软件会根据系统不同,安装不同的版本x86/x64 所对应的EXE/DLL
网上搜索下不难发现该软件的注册机。该软件有假注册行为+联网+退出暗桩(具体表现为command->split->Cancel , View>option>save 就会弹出一个框)
点是,让你联网注册; 点否,直接退出。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
00007FF898DB8E10 <ab | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rbx |
00007FF898DB8E15 | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+10],rsi |
00007FF898DB8E1A | 57 | push rdi |
00007FF898DB8E1B | 48: | sub rsp,30 |
00007FF898DB8E1F | 48: | mov rbx,rcx | rcx:L"CUICUI"
00007FF898DB8E22 | C74 | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+28],5471 |
00007FF898DB8E2A | 48: | add rcx,1CC | rcx:L"CUICUI"
00007FF898DB8E31 | C74 | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+20],5470 |
00007FF898DB8E39 | 41: | mov r9d,546F |
00007FF898DB8E3F | 48: | mov rdx,qword ptr ds:[rbx+8] |
00007FF898DB8E43 | 4C: | lea r8,qword ptr ds:[rbx+1C8] |
00007FF898DB8E4A | E8 | call <abc64.?RCDlg_ProcessEnter@@YAHPEAV |
00007FF898DB8E4F | 83B | cmp dword ptr ds:[rbx+1C8],0 |
00007FF898DB8E56 | 8BF | mov esi,eax |
00007FF898DB8E58 | 74 | je abc64.7FF898DB8E62 |
00007FF898DB8E5A | 48: | mov rcx,rbx | rcx:L"CUICUI"
00007FF898DB8E5D | E8 | call <abc64.sub_7FF898DB9990> |
00007FF898DB8E62 | 85F | test esi,esi |
00007FF898DB8E64 | 75 | jne abc64.7FF898DB8E78 |
00007FF898DB8E66 | 33C | xor eax,eax |
00007FF898DB8E68 | 48: | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898DB8E6D | 48: | mov rsi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+48] |
00007FF898DB8E72 | 48: | add rsp,30 |
00007FF898DB8E76 | 5F | pop rdi |
00007FF898DB8E77 | C3 | ret |
00007FF898DB8E78 | 48: | mov rcx,rbx | rcx:L"CUICUI"
00007FF898DB8E7B | C78 | mov dword ptr ds:[rbx+1C8],1 |
00007FF898DB8E85 | 48: | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898DB8E8A | 48: | mov rsi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+48] |
00007FF898DB8E8F | 48: | add rsp,30 |
00007FF898DB8E93 | 5F | pop rdi |
00007FF898DB8E94 | E9 | jmp <abc64.?OnOK@CSDlg@@UEAA_JXZ> |
接下来,走过上面的地方!00007FF898D9CBD0 <ab | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+8],rbx | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
00007FF898D9CBD5 | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+10],rsi |
00007FF898D9CBDA | 57 | push rdi |
00007FF898D9CBDB | 48: | sub rsp,20 |
00007FF898D9CBDF | 49: | mov rbx,r8 |
00007FF898D9CBE2 | 8BF | mov edi,edx |
00007FF898D9CBE4 | 48: | mov rsi,rcx |
00007FF898D9CBE7 | 41: | mov eax,r8d |
00007FF898D9CBEA | C1E | shr eax,10 |
00007FF898D9CBED | 66: | dec ax |
00007FF898D9CBF0 | B9 | mov ecx,FFFD |
00007FF898D9CBF5 | 66: | cmp ax,cx |
00007FF898D9CBF8 | 77 | ja abc64.7FF898D9CC11 |
00007FF898D9CBFA | 48: | mov rcx,rsi |
00007FF898D9CBFD | 48: | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30] |
00007FF898D9CC02 | 48: | mov rsi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+38] |
00007FF898D9CC07 | 48: | add rsp,20 |
00007FF898D9CC0B | 5F | pop rdi |
00007FF898D9CC0C | E9 | jmp <abc64.sub_7FF898D9CC70> |
00007FF898D9CC11 | 33D | xor edx,edx |
00007FF898D9CC13 | 44: | lea r9d,qword ptr ds:[rdx+1] |
00007FF898D9CC17 | 45: | xor r8d,r8d |
00007FF898D9CC1A | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898D9CC1F | E8 | call <abc64.??0ResStr@@QEAA@FPEAU |
00007FF898D9CC24 | 90 | nop |
00007FF898D9CC25 | 41: | mov r9d,1 |
00007FF898D9CC2B | 45: | xor r8d,r8d |
00007FF898D9CC2E | 0FB | movzx edx,bx |
00007FF898D9CC31 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898D9CC36 | E8 | call <abc64.?Load@ResStr@@QEAAPEB |
00007FF898D9CC3B | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898D9CC40 | E8 | call <abc64.??BResStr@@QEAAPEB_WX |
00007FF898D9CC45 | 4C: | mov r8,rax |
00007FF898D9CC48 | 8BD | mov edx,edi |
00007FF898D9CC4A | 48: | mov rcx,rsi |
00007FF898D9CC4D | E8 | call <abc64.sub_7FF898D9CC70> | 调用【此许可证密钥仅供家庭使用,非商业用途】
00007FF898D9CC52 | 8BD | mov ebx,eax |
00007FF898D9CC54 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+40] |
00007FF898D9CC59 | E8 | call <abc64.?Empty@ResStr@@QEAAXX |
00007FF898D9CC5E | 8BC | mov eax,ebx |
00007FF898D9CC60 | 48: | mov rbx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30] |
00007FF898D9CC65 | 48: | mov rsi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+38] |
00007FF898D9CC6A | 48: | add rsp,20 |
00007FF898D9CC6E | 5F | pop rdi |
00007FF898D9CC6F | C3 | ret |
这样我们就注册成功了,同时暗桩也没有触发,但是文件自校验的问题还得处理,不然保存出的文件,就会接茬弹窗!00007FF898D9CC70 <ab | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+10],rbx |
00007FF898D9CC75 | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+18],rbp |
00007FF898D9CC7A | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+20],rsi |
00007FF898D9CC7F | 57 | push rdi |
00007FF898D9CC80 | 48: | sub rsp,20 |
00007FF898D9CC84 | 48: | mov rdi,rcx |
00007FF898D9CC87 | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+30],8 | [rsp+30]:sub_7FF898DB9A00+31C
00007FF898D9CC90 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30] | [rsp+30]:sub_7FF898DB9A00+31C
00007FF898D9CC95 | C74 | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+34],4000 |
00007FF898D9CC9D | 49: | mov rbp,r8 |
00007FF898D9CCA0 | 8BF | mov esi,edx |
00007FF898D9CCA2 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&InitCommonCo |
00007FF898D9CCA8 | 48: | test rdi,rdi |
00007FF898D9CCAB | 75 | jne abc64.7FF898D9CCB6 |
00007FF898D9CCAD | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetActiveWin |
00007FF898D9CCB3 | 48: | mov rdi,rax | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
00007FF898D9CCB6 | 33D | xor ebx,ebx |
00007FF898D9CCB8 | 48: | cmp rdi,1 |
00007FF898D9CCBC | 48: | cmovne rbx,rdi |
00007FF898D9CCC0 | 48: | test rbx,rbx |
00007FF898D9CCC3 | 74 | je abc64.7FF898D9CCD1 |
00007FF898D9CCC5 | 48: | mov rcx,rbx |
00007FF898D9CCC8 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetLastActiv |
00007FF898D9CCCE | 48: | mov rbx,rax | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
00007FF898D9CCD1 | 48: | mov rax,qword ptr ds:[7FF898E62C5 | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
00007FF898D9CCD8 | 48: | test rax,rax | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
00007FF898D9CCDB | 74 | je abc64.7FF898D9CCE1 |
00007FF898D9CCDD | 33C | xor ecx,ecx |
00007FF898D9CCDF | FFD | call rax |
00007FF898D9CCE1 | E8 | call <abc64.?GetMyProductInfo@@YA |
00007FF898D9CCE6 | 48: | mov rcx,rax | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
00007FF898D9CCE9 | 0FB | bts esi,10 |
00007FF898D9CCED | 48: | mov rdx,qword ptr ds:[rax] | rax:L"Thank you!nnPlease keep your licensing information in a safe place, since you will need to enter it again if you decide to reinstall the software.nnA processing fee will be charged for a replacement copy of your license key."
这样暗桩问题就解决了。小伙伴们就可以愉快的玩耍了~~00007FF68CEC77E0 | 40: | push rbx |
00007FF68CEC77E2 | 48: | sub rsp,20 |
00007FF68CEC77E6 | 48: | mov rbx,rcx |
00007FF68CEC77E9 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ds:[7FF68CFD731 |
00007FF68CEC77F0 | E8 | call abcmdr64.7FF68CEB24E0 | 所以这里F7进入修改吧
00007FF68CEC77F5 | 85C | test eax,eax |
00007FF68CEC77F7 | 0F8 | jne abcmdr64.7FF68CEC78D1 | 暗桩调用点跳过处,果然需要修改eax返回值
00007FF68CEC77FD | 48: | mov rcx,qword ptr ds:[rbx+40] |
00007FF68CEC7801 | 8D5 | lea edx,qword ptr ds:[rax+14] |
00007FF68CEC7804 | 41: | mov r8d,7DC |
00007FF68CEC780A | 48: | mov qword ptr ss:[rsp+30],rdi |
00007FF68CEC780F | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&?Msg@@YAHPEA |
00007FF68CEC7815 | 83F | cmp eax,6 |
00007FF68CEC7818 | 75 | jne abcmdr64.7FF68CEC782E |
00007FF68CEC781A | 48: | mov rcx,qword ptr ds:[rbx+40] |
00007FF68CEC781E | 48: | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[7FF68CF828E | 00007FF68CF828E0:L"integrity-abc"
00007FF68CEC7825 | 45: | xor r8d,r8d |
00007FF68CEC7828 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&?GoOnline@@Y |
00007FF68CEC782E | 33F | xor edi,edi |
00007FF68CEC7830 | 48: | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+38] |
00007FF68CEC7835 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ds:[7FF68CEB96A |
00007FF68CEC783C | 897 | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+38],edi |
00007FF68CEC7840 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&EnumWindows> |
00007FF68CEC7846 | 397 | cmp dword ptr ss:[rsp+38],edi |
00007FF68CEC784A | 74 | je abcmdr64.7FF68CEC7886 |
00007FF68CEC784C | 0F1 | nop dword ptr ds:[rax],eax |
00007FF68CEC7850 | 48: | mov rcx,qword ptr ds:[rbx+40] |
00007FF68CEC7854 | BA | mov edx,35 | 35:'5'
00007FF68CEC7859 | 41: | mov r8d,7F3 |
00007FF68CEC785F | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&?Msg@@YAHPEA |
00007FF68CEC7865 | 83F | cmp eax,4 |
00007FF68CEC7868 | 75 | jne abcmdr64.7FF68CEC78CC |
00007FF68CEC786A | 48: | lea rdx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+38] |
00007FF68CEC786F | 897 | mov dword ptr ss:[rsp+38],edi |
00007FF68CEC7873 | 48: | lea rcx,qword ptr ds:[7FF68CEB96A |
00007FF68CEC787A | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&EnumWindows> |
00007FF68CEC7880 | 397 | cmp dword ptr ss:[rsp+38],edi |
00007FF68CEC7884 | 75 | jne abcmdr64.7FF68CEC7850 |
00007FF68CEC7886 | C78 | mov dword ptr ds:[rbx+1378],1 |
00007FF68CEC7890 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetCurrentTh |
00007FF68CEC7896 | 48: | mov rcx,rax |
00007FF68CEC7899 | BA | mov edx,F |
00007FF68CEC789E | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&SetThreadPri |
00007FF68CEC78A4 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&GetCurrentPr |
00007FF68CEC78AA | 48: | mov rcx,rax |
00007FF68CEC78AD | BA | mov edx,80 |
00007FF68CEC78B2 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&SetPriorityC |
00007FF68CEC78B8 | 48: | mov rcx,qword ptr ds:[rbx+40] |
00007FF68CEC78BC | 45: | xor r9d,r9d |
00007FF68CEC78BF | 45: | xor r8d,r8d |
00007FF68CEC78C2 | 41: | lea edx,qword ptr ds:[r9+10] |
00007FF68CEC78C6 | FF1 | call qword ptr ds:[<&PostMessageW |
00007FF68CEC78CC | 48: | mov rdi,qword ptr ss:[rsp+30] |
00007FF68CEC78D1 | 48: | add rsp,20 |
00007FF68CEC78D5 | 5B | pop rbx |
00007FF68CEC78D6 | C3 | ret |